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Les Semaines Galloises - Page 13

  • Plouvien fête Dewi Sant le 5 mars 2017

     Plouvien, près de Brest, est jumelée avec Tregaron (Ceredigion, centre du Pays de Galles).





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  • Devezh deskiñ kembraeg evit brezhonegerien



    cymru am byth.jpg


    Devezh deskiñ kembraeg evit brezhonegerien / Cwrs Cymraeg undydd

    E Sant-Brieg, e Kreizenn Sevenadurel Vreizhek Abherve, d’ar sadorn 18/02/2017


    Sut mae ? Demat deoc’h holl !


    Dalc'hit soñj !

    Un devezh deskiñ kembraeg a vo kinniget e Sant-Brieg d’ar Sadorn 18 a viz C'hwevrer e Kreizenn Sevenadurel Abherve, 15 straed François Menez.


    Eus 10e beure betek 4e30 g.m.


    3 strollad a vo ! Plas zo c’hoazh !


    Goulennet e vo 20 € digant pep stajiad (evit ar fredoù ha digoll an teir c’helennerez).


    Ma karfec'h kenweturiñ, deuit e darempred ganimp.


    Seul niverusoc’h e vimp seul vuioc’h a blijadur a vo !

    Po fwyaf o bobl mwyaf i gyd o hwyl !


    (Degasit ho merenn ganeoc'h. Ur skinforn zo evit adtommañ ho poued)


    Enskrivadurioù : a-walc’h eo respont d’ar postel-mañ.

    Graet e vo war-dro ar peurrest e Sant-Brieg


    Titouroù gant :

    Brieg ar Menn

    06 86 71 78 91

    Benead al Lann

    02 56 44 60 24


    Kenaozet eo an devezh deskiñ gant

    Cymdeithas Cymru/Llydaw (Kevredigezh Kembre/Breizh)

    ha Kreizenn Sevenadurel Vreizhek Abherve

  • Magna Carta



    magna carta.jpg

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  • Eisteddfod 2017 dans l'île d'Anglesey / Ynys Môn


     The Eisteddfod will be held on Anglesey from 4-12 August 2017.

    The Maes is situated near the village of Bodedern in the north of the island, convenient for roads and public transport.  The postcode is LL65 3SS.

    If you'd like to be part of our team in Anglesey, get in touch.  Ring us on 0845 4090 400 or email


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  • Rugby : Cymru - England le 11 février prochain à Caerdydd/Cardiff



    Wales v England

    Pays de Galles contre Angleterre


    Venue: Principality Stadium, Cardiff

    Kick Off: 4:50pm

    Referee: Jérôme Garcès (France)

    TV Coverage: Live on BBC

    Wales will take on England at the Principality Stadium in Cardiff on Saturday 11th February, during the second weekend of the 2017 Six Nations Championship. One of the fiercest and oldest rivalries in the competition – dating back over 135 years – this match is sure to produce an epic contest.

    England completed a Triple Crown with a 25-21 victory over Wales in the 2016 Championship. England also won a summer tour warm-up match in May, beating Wales 27-13 at Twickenham.

    Wales and England have contested a total of 129 rugby test matches since their first meeting in 1881. England have won 60 of those matches, whilst Wales have won 57 matches. There have also been 12 drawn matches between the two sides.


  • Accord entre le Pays de Galles et l'Irlande pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique

    New €4m EU project supporting collaboration on coastal and heritage sites in Wales and Ireland

    More than €4m of EU funds will help to safeguard heritage and coastal tourism sites in Wales and Ireland from the risks of climate change.

    Wednesday 11 January 2017


    Finance 11 January 2017 Budget Environment

    The funding will also provide a stimulus for marine-based economic growth in the two countries.

    Funded by the European Union’s Ireland-Wales programme, the CHERISH project (Climate, Heritage and Environments of Reefs, Islands and Headlands) will support specialist organisations in Wales and Ireland to employ cutting-edge technologies to analyse coastal and island archaeology and maritime heritage sites, which are most affected by climate change, coastal erosion and rising sea levels.

    It will fund new excavations, environmental studies, marine mapping and landscape modelling. It will also support future strategies for climate change by providing a deeper understanding of longer-term changes to Wales and Ireland’s heritage and coastal environments which attract thousands of visitors each year.

    The collaborative research has the potential to help safeguard coastal and heritage sites from the risk of climate change and minimise negative impacts on local economies. 

    The project will also provide information to support the development of tourism opportunities through training and public events.

    Tourism and heritage sites, such as the Pembrokeshire islands and the Llŷn Peninsula in Wales and the islands off the south and east coasts of Ireland will be the focus of the collaborative research.


  • Les scientiques de l'université de Swansea alertent



    Project MIDAS is a UK-based Antarctic research project, investigating the effects of a warming climate on the Larsen C ice shelf in West Antarctica. Recent warming has caused large melt ponds to form on Larsen C during summer, which are changing the structure of the ice. The effects of this on the future of the ice shelf are still unknown.

    We are studying these effects through a mixture of fieldwork, satellite observation and computer simulations of the ice shelf and its climate.

    Project MIDAS is based at Swansea University and Aberystwyth University in Wales, with support from the British Antarctic Survey and a variety of partners both in the UK and internationally. The project is funded by the National Environment Research Council.

    La fracture qui traverse la barrière de Larsen s'étend actuellement sur 80 kilomètres, explique la BBC. Au mois de décembre, elle s'est considérablement creusée, en à peine quelques semaines. A présent, seul un ruban de 20 kilomètres retient l'immense étendue de glace en train de se détacher. Dans un communiqué, les scientifiques britanniques du "Project Midas" annoncent officiellement que : 

    "Larsen C est sur le point de perdre une surface de plus 5.000 km² après une nouvelle progression de la fracture."

    La crainte d'une réaction en chaîne

    Supérieure à 5.000 km², la surface de cet iceberg est immense. Soit la superficie du département du Jura. Il pourrait donc s'agir de l'un des dix plus gros icebergs jamais recensés, résume la BBC. 

    Le professeur Adrian Luckman dirige le "Project Midas". Interrogé par la chaîne britannique, il se dit quasiment certain que l'iceberg va se détacher de la banquise dans les prochains mois.

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