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Manque d'enseignants en gallois dans le Gwent*




THERE is a “crisis” in adult education in Gwent because of a lack of tutors, according to a learning centre.


Learn Welsh Gwent, the Welsh for adults centre based at Coleg Gwent’s Pontypool campus, has said Welsh education for adults is in crisis because of difficulties in finding sufficient tutors to meet demand.


The organisation provides lessons in Newport, Torfaen, Monmouthshire, Blaenau Gwent and Caerphilly.


Director Geraint Wilson-Price said the demand for Welsh lessons for adults has increased by 36 per cent since the same time last year. Monmouthshire has seen the numbers of learners double from 225 in 2016 to 467 this year


“It is undoubtedly a crisis,” he said. “At present there are people who want to learn Welsh with us but we’re finding it very difficult to find sufficient tutors to teach the classes.


“There has been a very strong demand in the Abergavenny area, which held the National Eisteddfod in 2016.


“All our Abergavenny classes for beginners in September last year were full and we had to arrange more classes for 2017 to meet the demand.


“One type of our provision which has proved unexpectedly successful this year is our intensive course, which consists of nine hours of lessons each week. It’s clear that many people want to learn Welsh as quickly as possible and then go on to use and enjoy their Welsh.”


A spokeswoman for the National Centre for Learning Welsh, the organisation responsible for the Welsh for Adults education programme, said that their figure confirm the growth in learners.


“Around 48 tutors are currently employed by Dysgu Cymraeg Gwent, which hopes to recruit an additional six tutors to its team,” she said.


“Tutors are the cornerstone of our service and some 450 tutors work across Wales on the Welsh for Adults education programme. Investing in tutor training and resources is a key priority for the centre going forward and we will be working closely with all our providers to continue to attract able and dedicated individuals to the profession.”


The centre has seen a huge growth in interest in Welsh lessons over the last few years. Mr Wilson-Price said: “Many people didn’t have the chance to learn Welsh when they were in school or perhaps didn’t realise what the language would mean to them later on in life.”


“There is greater awareness of the language, and people want to know more and have the opportunity to learn We envisage even more people in the Gwent area wishing to start Welsh lessons in September and we want to be able to meet this demand, but we need new tutors to meet the demand.”


Anyone is interested in becoming a Welsh tutor should contact Learn Welsh Gwent* on 01495 333710 or



Habité depuis longtemps, les Romains construisent sur le territoire du puissant peuple celte brittonique des Silures le fort de Caerleon, qui sera également attaché à la légende arthurienne. La capitale des Silures devint la ville romaine de Venta Silurum (actuellement Caerwent). Le nom Gwent dérive d'ailleurs de Venta.

Le royaume de Gwent situé entre les rivières Usk et Wye se forma vers 420 après le départ de Bretagne des troupes romaines. Le premier de ses rois est Erb ou Yrb, fils de Erbin, qui régna sur Gwent et Ergyng. Alors que son fils Pebiau assure sa succession sur Ergyng, il a comme successeurs en Gwent son frère cadet Nynniaw (vers 470) puis son neveu Teithfallt ap Nynniaw (vers 500). La succession de ce dernier est assurée par Tewdrig (Gwent uni ensuite avec le Glywysing vers 550-584).

Le royaume de Glywysing est créé vers 490 dans la partie ouest du Gwent par le roi éponyme Glywys, époux d'une fille de Ceredig ap Cunedda et donc beau-frère de Teithfallt. L'histoire des deux petits États demeure par la suite très liée et les souverains sont souvent communs.

Le Gwent, parfois lié au Glywysing, survécut jusqu'à la mort du roi Cadwgan ap Owain tué lors d'un combat en 950. Après sa mort, son frère Morgan ap Owain Hen (i.e. le Vieux), unit Gwent, la Péninsule de Gower et le royaume de Glywysing pour former un seul royaume le Morgannwg ou Glamorgan qui subsista jusqu'à la venue des Normands vers 1067-1091 qui déposèrent le dernier roi Iestyn ap Gwrgan (mort en 1093). Les Anglo-Normands divisèrent le pays en seigneuries : Abergavenny, Monmouth, Striguil (Chepstow) et Usk.

Après l'Acte d'Union, le comté était appelé Monmouthshire, et l'on a longtemps parlé de Wales & Monmouthshire, les cartes de Galles jusque dans les années 1970 ne faisant pas apparaître ce comté. Longtemps séparé du Pays de Galles par le gouvernement de Londres, ce comté est redevenu Gwent et est aujourd'hui à nouveau réuni au Pays de Galles.




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