36% support Welsh Independence, with a further 17% #indycurious according to the latest YouGov poll. Support for independence has increased by 7% since 2017, and for the first time those against make up less than 50%.

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36% support Welsh Independence, with a further 17% #indycurious according to the latest YouGov poll. Support for independence has increased by 7% since 2017, and for the first time those against make up less than 50%.
The Welsh government has said it wants to increase the number of Welsh speakers to a million by 2050. The plans irritated some anti-Welsh detractors, who seem to believe the language is only spoken when English people walk into a Welsh pub. With our help, you, too, can scare monoglots in your area! Here are some Welsh words and phrases (with pronunciation) that you might find useful.
Starting strong, a simple: “Hello, how are you doing?”
“Welcome to Wales!” Never let it be said the Welsh aren’t welcoming. A favourite on novelty tea towels.
Its literal meaning is “over the dishes”, but it means over the top. You know, like when someone gets really angry about bilingual Welsh road signs.
“Yuck!” Use it when your Tinder date tells you all Welsh people are stupid.
The Welshest word on the planet. It means “whirling” or “merry-go-round”. Use it when told for the umpteenth time that Welsh has no vowels – then point out it has more vowels than English does.
Let’s put an end to this once and for all: “popty ping” is not microwave in Welsh. It is not a thing. It is a joke. If you do need to heat up some traditional cawl, be sure to put it in your meicrodon.
“Cheers!” A good thing to say just before downing your fifth pint of Brains when England wins the rugby.
Some Welsh words just make more sense – such as smwddio, which means “ironing”. Because what do you do when you iron clothes? You SMOOTH them – just as it sounds.
A word with no direct English translation. It means a longing for a home, or a time that felt like home. This isn’t homesickness, it’s a deep yearning for somewhere that may not quite exist as you remember it. Remind us again why English is supposedly superior?
The perfect phrase to deploy the next time someone tells you Welsh is a made-up language. It pretty much means: “My good fellow, you are clearly an idiot, but I wish you good day. Oh, and by the way, all languages are technically made up.”
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Welsh Secretary demonstrates UK Government commitment to language in meeting with incoming Commissioner
Le constructeur américain a annoncé qu'il comptait fermer l'usine de moteurs de Bridgend en septembre 2020. 1700 emplois sont menacés. La firme invoque la baisse d'activité du site. La production d'un moteur pour Jaguar Land Rover doit notamment cesser en fin d'année.
Cette fermeture s'inscrit dans une restructuration à travers toute l'Europe où le constructeur américain emploie 54 000 personnes. Ses deux autres sites britanniques, à Dagenham et près de Liverpool, ne sont pour l'instant pas concernés.
Si la direction de Ford assure que cette décision n'a rien à avoir avec les incertitudes liées au Brexit, depuis des mois, les mauvaises nouvelles se succèdent dans le secteur automobile britannique. Nissan, Honda et Jaguar Land Rover ayant annoncé des réductions de production, des fermetures ou des suppressions de postes.