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New Welsh language primary school in Cardiff has been approved by the Welsh Government (01 juin 2017)

Cardiff Council has been awarded £3.9M against a total project cost of £7.8M to build a new 420 Welsh medium primary school with 80 Nursery places on Lewis Road, Splott (Maltings Park).

The demand for Welsh medium education in Cardiff has increased significantly in recent years and it's great that we have the 21st Century Schools and Education programme that allows us to respond in a planned way to that growth. I'm eager to ensure that children within communities across the county, wherever they live, have access to the best possible educational resources.

Children in this area of Cardiff will benefit from a modern Welsh-medium teaching environment as well as a new outdoor play and educational area.

It's not only the pupils and teachers who'll benefit from this new development, but the wider so will the wider community, as this is a major construction scheme creating employment and providing opportunities for local suppliers.

– Kirsty Williams AM, Education Secretary for Wales


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