YES CYMRU (30 juin 2016)
Saturday 2 July 2016, Caernarfon Rally: 12.00pm on the Maes: Saturday 2 July 2016, Cardiff Rally: 2.00pm by the Aneurin Bevan statue, Queen Street: The British state is crumbling before our eyes, and we in Wales have the opportunity to create a new political system. It is imperative that we campaign in a positive manner over the weeks, months and years ahead, to ensure that our message isn't ignored by those who want to hold Wales back. We ask our supporters and members to help spread the word, attend rallies and actively campaign with progressive Welsh movements, to push for Welsh independence. Here are eight things you can do to get the ball rolling:
Thanks for your support! Iestyn ap Rhobert Chair, YesCymru |
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